Stageman - animacja, szkolenia, eventy

STAGEMAN in Österreich
Mobil: 0664  415 90 91

Freizeit Animation

Hotel animators

The purpose of travel agencies and hotels is not only to provide quality services, but also to... make money! The purpose of entertainment and leisure-time animation is to increase the net profits of travel agencies and hotels! Bingo! This is what it's all about. But animators can affect the brand image, marketing, public relations, as well as building customer loyalty and multiple returns on investment, they must be trained animators, talented and carefully selected. Just like STAGEMAN entertainers are!

Why is it worth hiring STAGEMAN animators?

-          Animators mean costs – so it is worth  hiring the best animators on the market
-          Animators mean a promotion – they are much more effective than leaflets or banners
-          Animators mean interactivity – they are able to make the audience happy and cheerful
-          Animators mean an energy – when they appear the audience cheer up at once
-          Animators mean a competitive advantage – they are distinctive and make an impression
-          Animators mean future – they attract attention much more than hostesses
-          Animators mean a perfect investment – the success of a firm is their / our goal


5 reasons to hire STAGEMAN animators:

1)    Each animator is fully trained,  so you don’t have to teach him his duties; each animator knows perfectly what to do, so you can concentrate on your business goals.
2)    Each animator is aware of his role, because  you offer your clients very good service, and animators look after  increasing your income  from the sale of this service.
3)    Each animator is  full of positive power, a  man of passion,  who makes your clients delighted so they are ready to make positive appraisals and recommend your services and products.
4)    Hiring STAGEMAN animators is more profitable than  recruiting and training your own animators –  by taking advantage  of our experience you can save  money.
5)    Hiring STAGEMAN animators is much less time-consuming – by taking advantage  of our experience you save  time (and one more of your workstations maybe!).


Mentoring training for animators:

{img2745-zoom-left}Jakub B. Bączek is the pioneer in leisure-time animation in Poland and, being the first to write about the subject, has written the following books – Women's volleyball (2005), The Animator's Handbook (2008), Leisure-time animation (2009), and Event psychology (2011) – together with a lot more publications in this field. He gained a Master's degree in pedagogy, physical education, and social work, but his main interests became psychology and animation. He holds training sessions all over Europe. People come from all over Europe to attend his sessions and his books are also very popular (Leisure-time animation is now in its 5th edition). He was an animator in: Majorca, Switzerland, Germany, Crete, Tunisia, Zakynthos, Turkey, and Jamaica, as well as many other places. He has undertaken work for TVN, Radio Zet and Neckermann. In 2010 he was awarded the prestigious title of  'Patron of Health' in recognition of his professional activities. He teaches at universities, advises tour operators and his work is published in newspapers such as: "Hotelarz" (Hotel Owners monthly), "Rynek Turystyczny" (Tourism Industry) or "Psychologia Biznesu" (Business Psychology). His training sessions are packed with passion and enthusiasm – as well as passing on his invaluable knowledge he ensures students receive a lot of energy and inspiration.


Additional options for travel agencies and hotels:

  1. We can invite, free of charge, one of your  employees  to one of our ANIMATOR TRAINING SESSIONS (to facilitate your choice of the best people you would like to employ).
  2. We can organize CASTINGS/AUDITIONS with our animators that will help you to make a decision to cooperate with us and to  choose specific people to employ.
  3. We can create for you a special EVENT MASCOT that will make an animation programme more exciting and will draw the kid’s attention.
  4. We can equip your event firm/agency with  animation equipment and materials thanks to the reliable products from our ANIMATOR SHOP.
  5. We accept individual orders, so we can  adapt to your needs.


Contact us to hire animators:

1. Call or write to us
2. We will see if we can meet your needs
3. Order the animators

Contact details:
Mobile: +43 664 415 90 91

All rights reserved – Stageman®

Examples of our Clients: