Animation mascots are great marks of travel agencies, hotels or firms. They are indispensable elements of leisure-time animation and frequently become embedded in people’s memory, more often than animators themselves. Mascots help to promote an image of a brand or an institution and build up consumers’ trust. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine an animation club without a huge mascot (an outfit for an adult). Seize the opportunity to use our services!
- Working out colours and the idea of what a mascot should look like
- Creating a graphic version to be accepted by Client
- Making a prototype to be accepted
- Production of the outfits considering different factors
- Giving the mascot a name, character and anthropomorphic features
- Training animators to wear the mascot outfit
- A photographic session and promotion of a particular brand
And much more…
Therefore, it is more convenient to hand such a process over to experts – the STAGEMAN Team. Brainstorming among authorities on animation, children’s psychology, graphics and events has led to the creation of a couple of mascots, well-known throughout Europe. Now it is time for your Firm and your own Mascot, which will be the best promotion for your products and services!
- Mascots represent promotion – they are more effective than leaflets or banners
- Mascots represent interpersonal interaction – everyone can hug them
- Mascots represent investment – they will be useful for a number of years
- Mascots represent energy – the public immediately gets excited
- Mascots represent competitive advantage – nobody will have the same mascot
- Mascots represent future – they attract more effectively than hostesses
- Mascots represent profit – but only when you know how to use them successfully!
1. Call or write to us
2. We will see if we can meet your needs
3. Order the mascots
Contact details:
Mobile: +43 664 415 90 91
Stageman is a brand recognizable throughout Europe mainly because we deal with the complete realization of our projects. If necessary, we will hire and train Animators who would like to be a Mascot and organize every event, including the chosen mascot.